Monday, June 25, 2012

t h e d e t a i l s

It's been forever since I've been on here, but while I was gone I was able to do a bit of re-vamping in terms of the site itself, my own personal site, and generally have time to figure out what direction my internet life was going to go.

Yesterday was the last day of Dwell on Design and I couldn't be happier to have been able to make it. This year was my first time going, but I can tell you now that I'll be going every year. I felt like a kid in a candy store: pretty colors, odd angles, funky textures, and brilliant creatives everywhere. The most invigorating thing about going to events like these is when you leave utterly inspired and motivated to keep creating.

(from left to right // top to bottom)
1. that wooden one person seater is the most comfortable thing my bottom has ever sat on: it's made up of individually loose blocks of wood over cushioning. Think wood meets Tempurpedic.
2.  Vintage serving utensils with painting handles. Isn't this the best idea ever!? Martha Stewart has an amazing selection of craft paints at Michael's. 
3. Mini model of 3D on 3D. Remember those childhood 3D books? Add that to some rad architecture and there you got it...the future.
4. I love fun storage solutions. 

1. Some intense neck candy
2. Yummy patio furniture
3. T E X T U R E
the bestie and I
we obviously couldn't resist taking a photo in front of dwell's backdrop ;)

and of course after roaming around the convention center for hours we were all extremely we hit up the Kitchen
 (left to right)
1. Mac n cheese with crusted gruyere...I died a little
2. Buttermilk chicken-crave worthy

I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow, North Fork of Long Island in a few days, and taking the boyfriend to Shanghai from mid-July to the end of the month. I wish I could just jet set for a whole year! Can't wait to keep y'all posted on life in July :).

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